Thursday, December 01, 2005

The X Continents

Hernan trapped me with a question at lunch today. He asked me how many continents there are. I assumed he was joking around and wanted to argue that "Central America" is a continent, so I gave him the strait answer of seven. This got a round of exclamations from the table as he explained to me that outside of the US they are taught only six. The continent we live on is America--it's not divided into North and South America. Additionally, I learned that Australia is not a continent but is a part of Oceania which includes New Zeland and South Pacific islands. It turns out that the number and division of continents is a contentious subject throughout the world (not too surprising) and among geographers and geologists, but nevertheless hearing that there is a different answer to something I took for granted from childhood through my late 20's is a very unnerving experience. I haven't experienced that feeling talking about politics or religion or other serious topics, because I expect profound differences. But the number of continents? Who would've thought?


John Doom said...

At least the North still won *the war when you're talking to a Costa Rican. Try talking to a southerner, because they don't get taught the final chapters of that war.

*see: United States Civil War

Anonymous said...

Amazing! You think it's unnerving -I've believed there are seven continents for 52 years!
