Monday, October 24, 2005

Just one easy breath

I am sick of being sick. This is now day seven of a sore throat and a runny nose. Last week I had a fever too, but that broke in time for the weekend. I expected to start breathing right too, but the cold hangs on.

I probably didn't help myself by spending the weekend at camp with Element. We had our retreat and I loved every coughing, sneezing minute of it. In that setting you get the time to talk and hang out that you just can't find in town or on a Thursday night. On Saturday we played games including Steal the Bacon which involved four teams wrestling black innertubes to their side of the field. Casualties included multiple bruises and one girl with a dislocated shoulder. The final game was a mud filled volleyball court with wet tarps running down to it from a hillside. The objective was to dive down the slide and fly as far out into the mud as possible. The last guys to go benefited from watching the techniques of everyone else and from the mud being smoothed out. Chad flew all the way across the court and off the edge of the far side which was composed of sharp rocks. He may have a big gash in his side, but he won the game. A fair trade.

1 comment:

John Doom said...

Winning isn't everything...
Yeah, I'm lying. sorry.